Friday, June 14, 2013

How to have a happy life

Having a happy life is easy,how fun your life is depends on what kind of person you are.If you're a fun kind of person,you will have a lot of friends and most people will like to hang out with you.If you're a grumpy person,most of people will hate you and they will try to stay away from you.
Now,you may ask yourself why is this important, is because friends give you more happines in your life.Even when you have problems,they're there for you to make you feel better.Feeling good is the key of happines,and happines is the key of a longer life.

There are different ways to have a better and happier life.You can use the tips below to make your life better.

1.Make more friends

If you want to be happier in life,you may use your friends.You can hang out with them,if you're a girl you can go out for shopping and do stuff together.If you're a boy then you can go out with them and have a beer or something.You can talk about stuff which is fun and you can make jokes which make you and your friends laugh,and it's good to laugh because it tells you if you're having a good time or not.

Fact:If you laugh 1 minute ,your life will be 15 minutes longer.


If you're an alone person and you wanna have a good time alone,you can use this tip.Traveling makes your life more fun and more exciting.Traveling gives you the opportunity to meet new people,see new places,discover new stuff and learn about the nature,civilization etc..

3.Be positive

Being positive bring you happines.Everytime,when something happens,you always have to look to the bright side,even when you think that there ain't one,there is!Being positive and optimistic makes everything look better.

4.Make enough money to complete your needs

Having money is always fun.When you're poor you can't pay for your food,clothes or your shelter,and that's not fun.Having money means you can buy anything to make you happy,starting from toys,video games,clothes or anything else that makes you happy.

5.Make a family and spend more time with them

Having a family means you're a happy person.Spending time with them will make you a lot happier .Discuss about your problems in life and find solutions together.You may think that having a family is boring but no,it's the greatest thing in life.I personaly suggest you to make a family,but if you can't complete their needs,then you better not do it,because they will just suffer and you will just feel bad for that,after making a family,there is no more comming back,so think about it.

6.Find a hobby

Having a hobby is fun,a hobby is something you do because you like it.A hobby can be reading,playing sports,playing video games,writting etc...Hobby is a great way to be happier and have a better and more exciting life.

These were the tips I gave you to make your life better....

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